Los pasillos de nuestro edifico se convierten en un museo

    Los alumnos de 6º del colegio ofrecen a los visitantes  la posibilidad de disfrutar de algunas de las obras maestras de la historia del arte . Ellos las han realizado con mucha ilusión y esperamos que disfrutéis con ellas.

    Todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa sois bienvenidos a nuestro museo en los pasillos del edificio nuevo .

    Aquí tenéis una muestra de los magníficos trabajos de nuestros artistas ( e maze elaborado por la alumna  Soraya Abadiano 6º B)

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    Unit 0 lilteracy : Mr Bean at the dentist

    In this unit we are going to revise some of the topics we learnt in previous years

    Session 1 :

    Pre task: First let´s do a brainstorming ideas thinking about what kind of vocabulary we will need to watch a video  titled   «Getting late for the dentist» and  «Mr Bean at the dentist»

    Fill in the gaps in WORKSHEET1 and 2  revising all the vocabulary we are going to use

    Video watching task : Now it is time to watch the video

    Post watching activity : Now we will answer the questions in  WORKSHEET 3 and 4

    Remember we will use tow verb tenses present simple for habitual actions and present continuous for actions taking place at the moment of speaking L

    And talking about habitual actions: let´s read a text about the habitual actions of Lionel Messi (WOKSHEET 5)

    We can revise this point of grammar here:

    My daily routine

    and here what are they doing?

    Once we understand the differences in use of present simple and continuous, we will do WORKSHEET 6: Grammar: Present Simple and Continuous

    And finally it is your turn to produce a piece of writing applying some of the content we have revised in this lesson:

    Here you have a planning sheet :

    1.- Fill in the gaps with all the vocabulary you will need : nouns , adjectives and verbs, in the present and in the past

    2.- You can write the first draft of this wriing , remember you should write 8 paragraphs following the instructions

    Introduction Name , age, live, I was born , I live in ,
    family I have got …
    School and languages I am studying …I am  good at.. / I am not good at …I can speak …

    My favourtite subject at school  is…

    Hobbies and free time : sports, music, etc.. I love / I hate / I don’t´like ………….. ingHow often do you practice it? I ……. Twice a week / everyday/ every Monday / on Tuesdays…daily routine: Everyday I ….
    Food I love / hate   …….. because
    Last summer Last summer I …..
    Future What would you like to be when you grow up?When I grow up I would like to be ….
    Farewell And that is all. Thank you for listening to meBye bye


    Let´s do a voki : Here you have an example of it