LIT 5 Unit 7: Nocturnal animals
SS 5 unit 1 Solar system
Presentation with Prezi
Now, with all the knowledge we have acquired of the elements of the solar system, we will develop a presentation which will include the most significant aspects of each planet. This time we will use the PREZI program, which will allow us to move with a simple zoom from one planet to another.
1st Organise yourselves in groups of three people. Each one will be an expert on two or three planets (and the sun)
These are the planets
Star: the sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth and moon
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
And some information:
2nd Look for images of your planets to illustrate your presentation. Remember that you must respect the rights of authors; seek images with authorization for its use
3rd INVESTIGATION: Fill in your table of contents with the corresponding information
4th Log into the program PREZI
5th Open a new PREZI and designed the background of our presentation: There is a template called ORBIT on the solar system, you will find it easier to use that one you can do it in “Choose Template”
6th Zoom in on each planet and there you can insert several frames which will include information of each planet in its co-corresponding image
7th Decide on how to do your presentation to the rest of the class . Remember that the students can ask you questions on any part of your presentation
Remember that it is better to edit the route when you have finished inserting all the images and information, you can insert arrows and even music
Here is a sample that can give you an idea of how to do it
Halloween 2016
Halloween at San Vicente School
Happy Halloween!
En el colegio San Vicente hemos celebrado la festividad de «Halloween» característica de los países anglosajones.
En el pasillo de tercer ciclo
se ha decorado el pasillo como el túnel del «terror» y nos han visitado alumnos de todas las clases.
En nuestro patio de recreo
Finalmente, todos los alumnos y profesores hemos preparado el baile «thriller» : ¡400 zombies bailando en el patio de recreo
Unit 2 Social Studies SOLAR SYSTEM: Games
It is time to enjoy science! Go and play with these interactive games about the Sun and the Solar System:
- Earth, Sun and Moon
- From our Solar System to our planet
- Planets of the Solar System
- The Earth Orbit
- Self-evaluation
- The space place
- Pasapalabra de «El sistema solar»
- Adivinanzas, poesías, cuentos juegos….
- Elige un astronauta y comienza a jugar
- Aprendo a ubicar lugares en la tierra
- ¿Quieres ser astronauta por un día?
- El cielo, los astros y el universo
- El sistema solar
- La Tierra y la luna
- Cards on the solar system